Elizabeth's Family (Group 24)
Elizabeth was born on May 21, 1792 at Newtown Manor plantation in Maryland, where she was enslaved until 1838. With her husband, Henry, Elizabeth had nine children: William (b.1809), Dick (b.1811), Julia Ann (b.1816), Ferdinand (b.1819), Remus (b.1821), Lucretia (b.1823), Joseph (b.1828), and Mary Elizabeth (b.1830).
In 1838, the entire family were passengers on the Katharine Jackson, bound for Louisiana. While most of Elizabeth’s children were sold to Henry Johnson, Elizabeth and her son William were sold to Jess Batey.
The oldest of Elizabeth’s 36 grandchildren was only an infant during the time of the sale. Although it is not known when Elizabeth died, she left behind dozens of descendants in Louisiana.