The Yorkshire Family
Sally Yorkshire – known as “Old Sally” – was born in in 1778 and died at the age of approximately 67 in 1845.
She is listed in the bill of sale as being 56 in 1838, though her real age may have been closer to 60. She was sold to Henry Johnson, alongside her children and grandchildren. Her son Alexius, who was born in 1805, would have been around 33 at the sale.
A daughter Mary (from a different union than Alexius’ father) died in 1838, and a son Henry, 25 at the sale, were also hers. There is no record of Henry and Alexius having children, but Mary married Robert Mahoney and produced 10 children, who ranged from late teens to toddler age at the time of the sale. Approximate ages are as follows: Abraham (18), Robert (17), James (13), Bridget (11), Mary Jane (10), Susan (8), Sally Anne (7), Nelly (6), Charles (5) and Nancy (2).