The Mahoney Family
Harry Mahoney was born around 1771 and was enslaved at St. Inigoes plantation in Maryland. His wife Anna (b.1775) was also enslaved at the Maryland plantation. Harry and Anna had eight children together: Bibiana (b.1791), Robert (b.1794), Nelly (b.1798), Harry (b.1807), Gabe (b.1808), Daniel (b.1810), Anna (b.1811), and Louisa (b.1812).
In 1838, Harry, Anna, Harry Jr., Nelly, Gabe, Daniel, and Louisa were sold to Henry Johnson, but nevertheless remained in Maryland. Their daughter, Anna, was transported to Louisiana on the Katharine Jackson with her children the same year.
Robert and his family were further separated from the rest of the Mahoney family when they were sold to Jesse Batey in 1838 and were passengers to Louisiana aboard the Uncas. The couple’s eldest child, Bibiana, was sold to Jesse Batey and was transported to Louisiana with her family on the Katharine Jackson.
Although Harry and Anna both died hundreds of miles away from their children sometime after 1838, at least 12 grandchildren born in Louisiana carried on their legacy.